Emily Jane Bronte is a world-renowned nineteenth-century author originally from Yorkshire, England. Bronte is best known for writing Wuthering Heights, published in 1847. Emily's life, character, and principles are described in Bronte's novel. The characters in Wuthering Heights are based on the similarity of roles and names to the significant people in Emily's life. Many different elements of Emily Bronte's early childhood and adult life are reflected in Bronte's Wuthering Heights. The inspirations for Wuthering Heights come from his strange and unhappy family, the setting of the Moors, and the recurring death in his early childhood. Emily Bronte was the fifth child of Patrick and Maria Bronte. Her mother died of cancer a few months after her sister Anne was born. Elizabeth Branwell, her mother's sister, helped Emily's father care for the children. (Emily Jane Bronte) In Wuthering Heights, young Catherine relates to Emily Bronte because young Catherine's mother died after giving birth and Emily's mother also died shortly after her little sister was born due to ...