In the daily life of the community, community life is inseparable from the cultural bond that is created. Cultural bonds created by the affected community, whether in the family, organization, business or nation. Culture distinguishes people from others in the way they interact and act to accomplish work. Culture binds members of society in a union that creates uniformity in opinions about behavior or action. Over time, some forms of organizational culture may also be felt to contribute to overall organizational effectiveness. Culture is a phenomenon that surrounds us. Culture also helps us understand how it is created, incorporated, developed, manipulated, managed, and changed. Culture can also be defined as leadership. We understand the culture to understand the organization. While organizational culture can be defined in many ways. Here are presented some of the meanings of organizational culture according to some members, according to Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn (2001:391), organizational culture is a reliable and value system developed by the organization in which it guides behavior of the members of the organization itself. While, according to Tosi, Rizzo, Carroll cited by Munandar (2001:263), organizational culture is the way of thinking, feeling and reacting based on certain models that exist in the organization or parts of the organization. While according to Robbins (1996:289), organizational culture is a common perception shared by members of that organization. However, according to Schein (1992:12), organizational culture is the basic model received by the organization for acting and solving problems, developing employees who can adapt to the environment and uniting the members of the organization. For ...... half of the card ...... up. Culture, because it is largely determined and controlled by organizational members, not leaders, is different. The culture may end up controlling the leader rather than being controlled by him or her. Fourth, don't assume that there is a “correct” culture or that a strong culture is better than a weak one. It should be evident that different cultures can adapt to different organizations and their environments, and that the desirability of a strong culture depends on how well it supports the organization's strategic goals and objectives. Finally, do not assume that all aspects of an organization's culture are important or have a major impact on the functioning of the organization. Some elements of an organization's culture may have little impact on its functioning and the leader must distinguish which elements are important and focus on those.