IntroductionHuman resources are one of the most vital resources for any multinational organization to support its vertical function. The function is facing various challenges to achieve high organizational performance by intervening on transversal culture. Do I need to explain what Cross Culture is? Culture is a broad idea and the reality that its influences make evident on our individuals, families, communities, professions, industries, organizations, and people. Culture is reflected in our language, communication styles, history, religion, values, notions, ideas and ways of being (Bodley, 1999). HRM has developed in the short and long past. Subsequently, the multinational sector has made a lot of progress, surrounded by areas such as strategic human resource management and international human resource management. In addition to this, the increasing levels of globalization and internationalization of the multinational sector, the development of new markets such as China, Europe, India, Nigiriya etc. The changes in the academic models of the HRM landscape concern the performance of human resource management, its participation in SHRM and the resources based view the model of human resource management and best practices in human resources. According to Ad Astra, consultants provide the best HR solution provider in the period 1940-1970, the personal role starts with the significantly better key. New techniques in production and workers' awareness of rights have given importance to the personal role and become legalistic. Management of cultural diversity, teamwork, participatory management, economic liberalization and globalization have resulted in greater importance of human resource management. Recent trends have changed the landscape of human resource management. These are employees hired under a consultancy contract. The industry with... middle of paper... where achieving high levels of performance is a way of life. And the PM can help develop a high-performance culture by sending the message across an organization that high performance matters. The intercultural problem could be overcome through an in-depth intercultural training program compared to that used by cultural competence in the recruitment process. Conclusions Using performance management as a tool to evaluate the objectives set, whether active or not, the extent of the employee's and organizational contribution to obtain recognition of future employee needs and to reward, evaluate and use performance management to retain employees and fire superior performing employees, also compensate for knowledge gaps, cultural behaviors can be done by these tools also this is two-way communication a tool for the organization and the employee.