Kelly recognizes a change in emotions, but still has a physical response (19:07, 19:30). Socratic questions are effectively used to process his thoughts by identifying lingering anger regarding the current discussion, as well as to explore the direction of his anger (19:50). The doctor challenges his emotional turmoil (20:25). Kelly responds by placing the blame for the sexual assault on herself. With the use of Socratic questions, Kelly's words are reiterated for self-reflection (20:49), connecting the direction of anger and blame. A pivotal moment is reached when Kelly recognizes that she is ill-equipped on how to return to civilian life, precipitating the onset of potential alcohol abuse and pertinent stressors (21:48). The doctor focused on the key points of Kelly's statement, such as reintegration into “normal society” (10.46pm), as well as linking it to the anxiety symptoms he was presenting. The doctor guides Kelly through critical thinking points, challenging her to think about other times when feelings of guilt have surfaced and whether those feelings were valid (24:04). He asks Kelly, “What could you have done? (8.20pm)” By challenging Kelly's distortions and working through them, she realized that sometimes things happen outside of her power, and was validated for her frustration that