Coaching differs greatly from other types of therapies because it focuses on encouraging a person's success and growth through their own self-awareness, introspection and self-discovery. This therapy is primarily nondirective because the coach actively listens, asks meaningful questions, and promotes innovative reasoning. For these reasons, coaching has been widely used for the improvement of organizations around the world over the past decade. I believe emotional intelligence is a concept that should be widely used in coaching. First, both concepts have a variety of factors in common. For example, one of the main factors of emotional intelligence is awareness of one's own and others' emotions. One of the main purposes of coaching is to increase the coachee's self-awareness. Furthermore, coaching will not only increase the emotional intelligence of the coachee but will also increase this concept in the coach. This is because a coach without a high level of empathy, self-respect and adequate emotional expression can harm the coachee's growth and success process. Finally, the fact that emotional intelligence can be used in coaching is evidence that this construct can be used in other forms of therapies related to positive behaviors.