Topic > Why we don't act rationally - 515

Having studied Economics at A level, I was intrigued to learn that human behavior does not always follow the logical predictions of neoclassical models. I was perplexed as to why this was such an anomaly and so I decided to do some further reading in the hope of gaining a greater understanding of why people do not always act seemingly rationally and therefore why their decisions cannot always be predicted with certainty.' Poor Economics' by Banerjee and Duflo explained to me the reasoning behind many seemingly illogical decisions made by the poor. For example, if you had previously asked me whether bed nets that prevent malaria should be distributed free of charge, knowing that not everyone who is at risk sleeps under a net, I would have immediately said yes without thinking twice. However, economics has changed the way I look at issues and encouraged me to think deeper before forming an opinion. I am now inclined to question the situation rather than make assumptions. In this case I learned that due to lack of information some people are not aware of the wide benefits of not only networks...