The story begins when several British boys land on a desert island due to their plane being shot down. Among the boys Ralph and Piggy find a shell and blow it up to summon the boys to the other side of the island. After that the children vote and vote Ralph as leader. So Ralph appoints Jack as a headhunter. According to Ralph's rules they create fire and have rules. During their time on the island Jack and his hunters go out and hunt pigs to put food on the table. Later in the book several Little-uns are afraid of a beast that one of them saw. Soon Jack and Ralph fall out due to which Jack abandons Ralph's group to start his own. Gradually the children abandon Ralph's group to join Jack's group because Jack has meat. Children under Jack's influence experience a love of hunting which results in violent actions and murder. Here's a quote from Piggy that sums up the main theme of the book. Themes, the main theme of Lord of the Files is Civilization vs Savagery. The conflict between these two opposing systems of government is depicted throughout the book. In the book civilization is...