The best is the one that brings your attention back to God, that inspires you to make the changes you need, that lifts you to a new level of consciousness, that encourages you to live kinder, more with patience, with more service, with more thoughtfulness. It is the one that provides the safest and fastest way to direct personal communion with God. Everyone is. There are actually some interesting possibilities. It's not that far-fetched. And it definitely doesn't conflict with any of Jesus' teachings. At first I thought it was far-fetched because I had never heard of reincarnation and Christianity together. But I looked into it and it kind of made sense as I started finding more texts that discussed this possibility and more biblical passages that make such simple sense when viewed in terms of reincarnation. So before all the self-proclaimed master scholars of divinity go crazy over the idea, please at least consider these possibilities in terms of biblical interpretation. And understanding that reincarnation is not an endless cycle but a cycle determined by a soul's efforts to consciously and deliberately return to its perfect state, the image of God, makes many of Christ's teachings much more realistic. We say that reincarnation was part of the evolution of the soul, that instead of one lifetime we had numerous lifetimes to go back to and try to make sense of it all, put it all together, live life to “So be perfect.” Is it possible, in a single lifetime, to do this? To live perfectly? Not partially, perfectly? I wonder if anyone reading this thinks they are living perfectly, as the Lord directed us to in Matthew 5:48? He didn't say, "Try your best to live perfectly, but if you can't make it in one life, no problem. At least you tried." No, it has... half a card... like I asked, so you don't need to go to another life again. You can stay here with me, with my name, one with my word.” The idea that reincarnation is a fun journey back here is completely wrong. On the contrary, it is more a form of punishment for our sins, because once we overcome the trials and temptations of the world and become perfect as Jesus told us, we can remain in Heaven, together with Jesus and our Father. We want to work even harder so we don't have to go back. So it's not a lazy excuse to avoid responsibility altogether, it's the exact opposite. It is a stimulus to greater efforts in our spiritual practices precisely so as not to have to return. I add this in hopes of encouraging healthy discussion, not arrogant, holier-than-thou comments about how silly I am. Let's see if this can really be considered at least as a possibility.