Topic > The difference between global education and…

How does global education differ from “multicultural education” in both purpose and form? In a recent study, the National Geographic Society and the Asia Society shed light on a growing concern that showed that students in the United States lacked understanding and knowledge of different people, places and cultures around the world. This growing concern called for higher quality education and required teachers to understand the value and necessity of developing lessons based on global education. Since the 1980s, the United States government has repeatedly attempted to introduce and incorporate multiculturalism and global education into the system, but has been met with hostility and protests from many of its citizens. Many protesters believed that global education introduced anti-Americanism and that multiculturalism introduced and encouraged "separatism and disunity." Therefore, it is important and necessary to inform and let the general public know about the benefits of global education, or cultural education in general, for our young people. This will help raise a generation that is more informed and better equipped to address, communicate, understand and help the rest of the world. Topic: Defining Global Education Sarah Balistreri is the coordinator of the Office of Academic Initiatives at the College Board. F. Tony Di Giacomo is director of Research and Development at the College Board. Ivanley Noisette is a Mitchell scholar. Thomas Ptak is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Oregon. 2012, The College Council. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, This report examines the role of education in providing American students with the skills, attitudes, and dispositions needed to be effective and competitive... half of the paper. .....the problems are getting bigger and bigger and they won't go away or solve themselves. They require action so that students are trained and willing to tackle difficult and complex global issues. Students should have some degree of literacy regarding the global problems, issues, concerns and trends that increasingly impact their lives. Through mindfulness students will know and understand that there are global issues and challenges that impact their lives. Awareness is a necessary prerequisite for understanding. Students will be aware that their information and knowledge about most global issues is incomplete and that they need to continue seeking information about how global and international issues are formed and influenced. Global education is a lifelong process. In the future, new global issues will emerge and new insights into current global challenges will be generated.