However, USA Today (2013) "About half of teens who visit family planning clinics went without their parents' knowledge. They could probably get an abortion without telling to their parents." particularly reserved families could end up at risk." The fact that parents are not informed about their children's health is dangerous for the health of the young person and that of the community, especially for other young people. One Step Plan B does not do justice to young people by helping them keep their parents in the dark. The company seems to be losing sight of why we have an age of consent is to protect children. The decrease in the rate of unwanted pregnancies will come from the pill. Teens should instead practice abstinence and talk more about sex with their parents to promote a one-step Plan B. Birth control can do a great job of protecting you from pregnancy, but the only 100% proven way to avoid it is to not have sex. One Step Plan B is not as effective as regular contraception if you are sexually active, you should try to find a regular contraceptive method other than emergency contraception that will work