Topic > Should you be able to carry a concealed handgun?

Did you know that the Second Amendment states that you have the right to keep and use guns for protection? In 1813, Kentucky passed a law prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons. In May 1987, Florida passed a “shall-issue” law that became a model for other states. There were 11 states that have “may issue” laws that allowed permits. On July 8, 2011, Wisconsin became the 49th state to allow concealed carry. ( Adults who take training and obtain a permit should be able to carry a concealed handgun. “Their best defense against injuries is to provide no defense at all and give them what they want” (Kates). Critics may argue that concealed handguns are not an effective form of self-defense. In contrast, victims of robberies and assaults using weapons were less likely to be attacked or suffer injuries. “Neither martial arts nor chemical sprays provide a real option for victims faced by stronger or armed attackers” (Kates). People feel safer when carrying a concealed weapon because they have a feeling that criminals will avoid attacking them. Citizens want to secretly carry a gun because every day there are dangerous individuals who prey on the weak. In addition to that, concealed handguns are an effective, non-lethal form of self-defense in most cases. Gary Kleck of the Federal Bureau of Investigation "estimated that 2 to 2.5 million victims each year use guns to fend off criminal attackers" (Kates). The surprise of being armed is the advantage for the victim, who has the disadvantage of knowing the time and place of the attack. Concealed carry actually provides protection to citizens who don't carry because criminals aren't sure who can defend themselves... middle of paper... help? Responsible citizens should have the right to carry a gun to protect themselves from those who obtain them illegally. All in all, responsible adults should have the right to carry a concealed handgun. Victims of robberies and assaults who used firearms were less likely to be attacked or injured. Concealed handguns are an effective non-lethal form of self-defense. Most adults who legally carry firearms do not abuse their firearms, and carrying a concealed handgun could help put an end to public shootings. Criminals carry concealed weapons regardless of their legality, which means responsible citizens should be able to get a gun while using their firearm the right way. Therefore, adults should have a license to carry a concealed handgun, obtain a permit, and complete the training requirements to be able to carry a concealed handgun.