But has anyone ever wondered that money can also bring you unhappiness? When we are consumed by money, we tend to forget what true happiness is. Money has diminished our ability to treasure feelings of happiness and contentment. Furthermore, it is fair to say that it is a trade-off between money and happiness. The opportunity cost is that you have to sacrifice happiness to earn more money. The fact that money can actually buy us unhappiness is demonstrated in an experiment conducted by Jordi Quoidbach, a psychologist at the University of Liège in Belgium. 374 adults, ranging from custodians to senior administrators, are assigned to two random groups; one was shown a picture of a stack of money, another was shown a blurry image. They then underwent psychological tests to measure their ability to savor pleasant experiences. It turns out that people who had seen the money image scored lower. Not surprisingly, psychological studies show that wealthier people experience more negative emotions and suffer greatly from psychological problems