This part of the policy states that all guests must behave in a family manner. No line jumping, vulgarity and no bad behavior. The policy says that if any of these rules are broken “you may be kicked out of the park without refund.” The changes should read “You will be kicked out without refund and banned from the park for the rest of the year. If it occurs the second time after the first banishment, you will be permanently banned from all Six Flags for life. The reasons behind my changes in Six Flags amusement park policy are because if an individual is aware of the consequences of their actions, they may think twice before acting. Consequentialist theory judges morally based on the outcome of a situation, some people need to know what the punishment for their actions will be, before knowing whether it is right or wrong. Young children frequent these parks with their families, these children learn from their environment and from the examples of adults, if they are exposed to this type of behavior they will repeat the behavior and/or language. When an individual uses foul language and bad behavior it does not mean they are doing the right thing or not being good. They're setting an example and it's a bad one. Children must learn to be good, to do good and to live by a moral code