Disparities in Children's HealthAbstractMuch research has verified the existence of health disparities between different socioeconomic groups and different racial and ethnic groups. I will take a look at this research to determine why these disparities exist and how they impact education among those who experience them. When we consider our children's education in the United States, we must consider their health as a significant issue as it can have a positive or negative impact on a student's education. It is generally recognized that great disparity in health care exists in our country. Healthy People2010, a report published by the Health and Human Services Division of the United States Government (2000) included among its Goals for 2010 the elimination of health disparities between different segments of the population. According to this report, differences in health occur depending on a person's sex, race or ethnicity, education or income, disability, rural location, or sexual orientation. In this article I will focus primarily on racial and ethnic differences, as well as socioeconomic differences. According to the Healthy People 2010 report, biological and genetic differences do not explain the health disparities experienced by non-white populations in the United States. In addition to the “complex interaction between genetic variations, environmental factors, and specific health behaviors,” Health and Human Services states, “income and education inequities underlie many health disparities in the United States.” Furthermore, "the population groups that suffer from the worst health status are also those that have the highest poverty rates and the lowest level of education". Health, United States (1998) reported that any increase in income or education increases the probability of being healthy. According to this report, people with a lower level of education tend to die younger than those with a higher level of education from all major causes of death, including chronic diseases, communicable diseases and injuries. There are several factors that explain differences between socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic groups. These factors include a lower sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking, and a lower likelihood of having health insurance coverage or receiving preventive care among these groups. Those who live more sedentary lifestyles are at risk for heart disease, diabetes and hypertension, all of which affect lower socioeconomic groups more often than those in higher income brackets. Additionally, less educated people are twice as likely to smoke cigarettes as more educated people.