Impact of Technology in Education Introduction Technology is one of the concerns I have as a new teacher. Technology influences all aspects of our lives. The classroom is no exception. I don't consider myself one of those tech-savvy people who can incorporate the latest program or gadget into my lessons. At home I often announce "technology-free" days just to be able to get back in touch with the important things in life, or with what I consider important. I can't do this in class, I'll have to do the exact opposite. When teaching in today's classrooms, educators must make every effort to keep up with the latest trends, learn the latest programs, and be able to use all types of student learning styles. “Technology, when used correctly, has the potential to increase student achievement and engage them in learning. But the overwhelming number of technological devices and solutions sometimes leads to technology use that does not enhance teaching and learning” (Devaney). For this reason I have chosen three articles that refer to different chapters of our textbook, but which all also concern technology in the classroom. “Beyond the Bubble Test: How Will We Measure Learning in the Future?” Chapter 14 in our textbook, Learning Objectives, discusses how learning objectives, state standards, content and performance standards, general and specific learning objectives, and developmental and mastery learning objectives must work together and be aligned to help our students achieve. It is important for teachers to keep this in mind when planning anything for their classrooms. A good teacher must learn to align both teaching and assessment with their learning goals. “The… center of the article… Works Cited Baresghian, T., Beyond the Bubble Test: How Will We Measure Learning in the Future? (15/07/11). Mind/Change. Retrieved July 23, 2011, from the ASCD SmartBrief newsletter. Devaney, L., Panel: Evolving Technology Has Great Potential in the Classroom. (07/19/11). eSchool News. Retrieved July 23, 2011, from the ASCD SmartBrief newsletter. Levy, P., Putting the iPad to Work in Elementary Classrooms. (07/19/11). The diary. Retrieved July 23, 2011, from the ASCD SmartBrief newsletter.Meloth, MS (2009). Pearson Custom Text: EDUC 4400, Fundamentals of Learning, Motivation, and Assessment. Chapter 14, Learning Objectives, Brookhart, SM and Nitko, AJ Chapter 20, Performance Evaluation, Brookhart, SM and Nitko, AJ Chapter 11a, Constructivist Theory, Schunk, DH Chapter 5, Intrinsic Motivation, Stipek, D.Chapter 2, Lens for observing, Borich, GD.