One of the most difficult challenges in developing artificial intelligence (AI) is creating a machine that "thinks" as intelligently as humans . However, coming up with a definition for the word “think” itself is quite a challenging task. This is because it is not yet clear what a human being's thoughts contain and what the driving force behind their intelligence is. Is it a manifestation of the immortal soul or is it just a complex network of nerves that comprise the nervous system? To create an intelligent machine or computer it is necessary to equip it with thinking abilities equal to those of humans. If such an intelligent machine were ever created, how can we test whether it can think for itself? How can it be certified as Artificial Intelligence? Alan Mathison Turing, a computer analyst, mathematician and cryptanalyst, provided a simple solution to this problem. In an article published in the Journal Mind in 1950, Turing suggests that instead of creating complications by using the word "think", defining it, or asking whether machines can "think", it is easier to develop a task that requires thought, and test whether a machine can succeed in this task. In Turing's words, “Instead of attempting such a definition, I will replace the question with another, which is closely related to it and is expressed in relatively unambiguous words” (Turing, 1950, p. 433). These “unequivocal words” in fact constituted the “imitation game”, today known as the “Turing Test”. This test suggested by Turing has since been used to test artificial intelligence. Despite the technological advances made since the first publication of the Turing test, no machine has yet passed the test. Turing's article has been at the forefront of all publications and research...... half of the article...... the-turing-test- the-first-50-years.pdfOppy, G. and Dowe, D., 2011. The Turing test. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2011 edition). Available at:, S., 2004. The Turing Test: Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence, The MIT Press. Available at:, Cristi (2008) Turing Test, easy to pass; human mind, difficult to understand. [Preprint]“The Alan Turing Internet Scrapbook”, nd Available at:, A.M., 1950. Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind, 59(236), p.433-460. Available at: