Did you know that it takes about 1 hour for 3 people to scrape a tire in a classroom? Well, there are 3 reasons for this tire policy: expensive tire removal, parents complain about gum on their children's shoes, clothes and hair, and parents are unhappy with cleaning bills. A questionnaire was administered to a class in grades 5-8 and the 3 questions were: How often do you chew gum at school, how do you discard used gum, and why do you think students put gum under chairs and desks? Do I agree with this ban? No, I don't agree with this policy because there was never a time when chewing gum was allowed in school, so the ban is based on conjecture. The assumption was that if chewing gum were allowed, children would put it on desks and chairs. The way we started investigating this problem was to distribute some sort of census to a class in each grade, fifth through eighth. One of the questions was “How do you discard used rubber?” The options were: in the trash, on a chair, on a desk, on someone else, in a textbook, or on a napkin. In fifth grade 84% said in the garbage, 5% said on a...