Things Unseen, by Andrew Clements, is an unusual story about a boy who one day becomes mysteriously invisible. This science fiction book is written in a very interesting and realistic tone of a child. Published in 2002, this story is set in present-day Chicago. The story revolves around fifteen-year-old Bobby Phillips who wakes up one morning and can't see himself. When his family discovers this strange phenomenon, Bobby's whole life becomes a secret. Suddenly, Bobby has no friends, no future and no hope; that is, until he meets a blind girl named Alicia. Alicia is caring and kind, and with her help, Bobby may be able to get his life back. The intricate plot of this story gives the reader an inside look into Bobby's life. Fifteen-year-old Bobby Phillips, the main character of this story, is courageous, daring and tenacious, three qualities that push him to seek solutions to his problems. Bobby has many problems such as becoming invisible and not knowing how to go back, having a secret life, and having no connection with his parents. Being in Chicago gives Bobby an extra s...