I had the power; I had ideas, where did I go wrong? I was a livelier pig than Napoleon, quicker to speak, and more inventive than Napoleon, but I was not considered to have the same depth of character as Napoleon. I spoke well and had ideas. Where did I go wrong? And what does depth of character have to do with Power anyway? I often got the better of the majority with my brilliant speeches, but Napoleon was better at seeking support for himself in the meantime. I liked talking and telling animals about the ideals of animalism and I'm sure Napoleon was only there for the power. Maybe I should have played a different game and should have been more intriguing as Napoleon. Now I know what you're wondering: where did I go after being brutally attacked by those horrible dogs? Well, that was the only thing Napoleon was right about: yes, I also escaped from one of the nearby farms. That's because I figured if you can't beat them, join them. I admit I'm not proud of what I did, but it was only meant to influence Napoleon. Poor, poor old Boxer, if I had the power Boxing...