An example of a universal maxim that we, as citizens of a democratic republic, should see realized in our country. It should be a universally acclaimed concept that every person deserves to be cared for by the people around regardless of language differences, religion, skin color, education, income and place of origin. This should be enforced as a universal law where everyone will have a molar obligation to assist another person in problems such as accident, abandonment, illness, hunger, thirst, homelessness and loss, among others. The maxim should apply to all circumstances in which a human being possesses the ability to help another person with a need or problem. According to Kant, we have freedom of choice. Reason is probed by our will and will is probed by our inclinations. We can choose by controlling our will and this is done by reason. Letting desires take control causes a person to lose willpower until they become independent of inclination. Therefore, as human beings, we have the freedom to choose whether to help a person in need if we have the ability and opportunity. But there is still a desire to let the needy person remain helpless because they are not from our community, religion, social class, skin color, place of origin and language among other attributes (Example, 2002-2011) . reason plays an important role in care as a maxim in a democratic country. This is because deciding whether or not to assist a person in need is a decision that must represent a person's level of mercy and human inclination. If a person lets others suffer while it is possible to offer them help, then that person is considered to have a very low inner conscience. For a... half of the paper... andeparation. And because I'm a human being I can't drive the school bus and attend school at the same time. So I need another human being in the form of a driver to assist me. So when I go to school, I can't be a student and a teacher. So I need the teacher to come to my aid and assist me in class work. So in my school life I need assistance from other people. Works Cited Reference List Example (2002-2011). Kingdom of ends. Retrieved from: Christine M (1985) Kant's formula of universal law. Retrieved from: Joseph (1995), Kant's System of Perspectives. Retrieved from: