Introduction Many elementary schools promote extended silent reading times. In extended silent reading, students read silently for a set period of time each day at school. It will usually last about 20-30 minutes. They select their own reading material and are not asked to answer comprehension questions or write book reports. Sustained silent reading is based on the theory that the more a student reads, the better they will understand what they are reading. This will lead to better attitudes towards reading, higher test scores and a better vocabulary. Teachers take class time to drop whatever they are working on so that students have a chance to stop and read silently on their own. The term was introduced in 1960; the basic rules for SSR were started in 1971 by McCracken. Sustained silent reading comes in many different forms. Schools have various names for this, such as DEAR (Release Everything and Read), FVR (Free Voluntary Reading, DIRT (Daily Individual Reading Time); SQUIRT (Quiet, Uninterrupted Reading Time), WEB (We Enjoy Books), and USSR (sustained silent reading). Many researches SSR (sustained silent reading) helps improve reading skill, vocabulary and also helps the student's attitude towards reading who do not believe that SSR works in Reports indicate that there is no significant improvement in reading comprehension, fluency, or attitude toward reading Problem Statement The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of reading prolonged silent reading on early elementary students. Two questions I hope to ask The answer through this study is “What I have…… half of the article……ry study on scaffolded silent reading Journal of Educational Research,102, 37-50 .IX Development. (2000). Report of the National Reading Committee. Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the research literature on reading and its implications for teaching reading. July, 17,2011. Philgreen, J. (2003). Questions teachers ask about extended silent reading. California Reader, 37, 42-53.XI. Robertson, C. (1996). Uninterrupted, sustained, silent reading: rhetoric and practice.Journal of Research in Reading, 19, 25-35.XII. Yoon, J. C. (2002). Three decades of sustained silent reading: A meta-analytic review of the effects of SSR on attitudes toward reading. Improved reading, 36, 186-195.