High Level ManagementManagement is the most important basic knowledge that leaders of an organization should possess to improve their operations and build a good name among others. The management leadership training program helps train managers on how to effectively organize their businesses through acquiring the skills needed to meet the needs of the organization and other leaders in mid-level management. In most companies, performance is rewarded with promotion to senior management positions, but this does not guarantee that the individual possesses the necessary skills on how to effectively manage people. This requires companies to train their managers on the best skills to handle leadership tasks in order to excel in their careers and build good relationships with others within the organization and society. To manage an organization the individual must possess the necessary knowledge acquired through experience and patience in learning new techniques. People around help guide an individual on how to become an effective leader through challenges and motivation (Joseph n.d.). Earl could run his own law firm after spending more than three years in the Trial Division and could thereafter manage a group of sixty communities, leading more than seventy prosecutors and operating in eleven districts. Consultation plays a very important role in managing the activities of an organization. During the interview Joseph Earl said he would have to consult top attorneys regarding any major company decisions. Furthermore, Joseph argued that in making these decisions he had to choose the people he believed would best work with in his office. Therefore, high-level management requires teamwork… middle of paper… within the workforce and this encourages socialism even among people who speak different languages. High-level management therefore requires leaders to possess the necessary tools to carry out various tasks within the organization. Experience in a specific field is very important as the individual relates the upcoming problems with the situations experienced, thus ensuring faster decision making. Consultation between members of the workforce is an important factor in making important decisions as it helps to avoid conflicts. List of ReferencesJoseph, DE (n.d.). Executive interview. District Attorney-Central District. Extract from the attached documents. Zeljko T., Ivana F. & Davor D., (2008). Conflict management in the organization. Interdisciplinary management research, Faculty of Economics Osijek, Croatia, vol. 4