Topic > Essay on Drums - 722

The first important piece is the snare drum. The snare drum is used to accentuate the main beat in a beat. The second main component of the drum kit is the bass drum. The bass drum creates the low "thud" sound that an individual hears in music. It is generally used to keep the tempo (the speed of the song) stable and consistent. The third and fourth pieces are the hi-hat and ride cymbals. These cymbals are used to accentuate each individual beat within a rhythm. Finally, the fourth, fifth and sixth important components of the drum kit are the toms. Toms are used to add flavor and flavor to music. Basically, toms are used for something that sounds different. These small breaks within a rhythm are called fills (Strong 12-13). Modern drums are set up entirely based on the personal preferences of the percussionist. For example, many drummers will play with two toms, and many drummers will play with thirty-two toms. Usually, personal preference will be judged based on the way the drummer plays the music and the style of music he plays. Since the discovery of drums in 6000 BC, drums and percussion instruments have evolved drastically in their construction and performance.