Topic > The problem of selling sex - 862

Since only buying sex is illegal, customers can be rightly punished by law and the sex industry would not go underground. While people think that sex workers, because they create opportunities, should be punished, it is often men who initiate sex with prostitutes. It is the clients who pay the sex workers to "submit to his sexual demands as a condition of 'employment'" (Jeffreys 260). Yet, despite this, most police officers focus their attention on prostitutes rather than clients and as a result, citizens imitate the attitude of the police. An unfair balance is created between the number of sex workers arrested and the number of clients arrested. While it could be said that both deserve punishment, the It's not the clients trying to do a job, but the sex workers do. In a sting operation in Midtown, Atlanta resulted in the arrest of 61 prostitutes but only 8 clients (Wenk). such small clients, exemplifies the general tone of how prostitution is handled. Sex workers should not be arrested in greater numbers than clients because it takes two to tango, and the clients are just as guilty. However, clients seek out prostitutes for sex because it is in the job description and the women who go with them so they can get paid. Since clients deliberately turn to prostitutes, they are the ones who should be punished, not the other way around. According to Sheila Jeffreys, a feminist activist, "little literature exists on the motivations of clients compared to that of prostituted women, because men's motivation is considered self-evident; only women are seen as acting unnaturally." (215). Even academic writers refuse to see clients as... means of paper......Prostitution." Birmingham Evening Mail (England) 15 November 2000. QuestionaSchool. Web. 11 February 2014. Jeffreys, Sheila. The idea of ​​prostitution. North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex, 1997. Questiona School.Web 14 February 2014. Klinger, Kimberly "Prostitution Humanism and woman's choice. (Perspectives on Prostitution)." TheHumanist January-February 2003: 16+. Questiona School. Web. February 11, 2014. Meg. "Sex Work Fact Sheet." Interview. SWOP-Chicago. Sex Worker Outreach Project, November 8, 2013. Web . March 13, 2014. Peng, Yenwen ""Of Course They Say They Were Coerced": On Voluntary Prostitution, Contingent Consent, and the Stigma of the Modified Whore." Journal of International Women's Studies 7.2 (2005): 17+ February 2014. Wenk, Amy. Mostly Prostitutes and Clients." Midtown Patch. Patch Media, May 16, 2011. Web. April 2. 2014.