ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank James Marty for allowing us to develop a management plan on his plot of land. We are grateful to James Marty for providing us with information on unit location, vegetation cover, and wildlife populations. INTRODUCTION: The management plan was developed to achieve the stated objectives. The plan will serve as a guideline for improving the landowner's habitat. Additionally, this management plan is a requirement of the Wildlife 451 course in the College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this management plan are:1. Increase the density of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).2. Increase the density of American badgers (Taxidea taxus).3. Increase the density of the Western Skylark (Sturnella descenda).4. Implement a rotational grazing system for beef production. MANAGEMENT AREA Location, Zoning, Ownership, and Access The management area is located in Mount Pleasant Township, Green County, Wisconsin (Fig. 1). The management area, of 410 ac (161 ha), is currently managed by James Marty. The management area is considered an agricultural area. The legal description of the property is E ½ SE ½ Sec. 29, N ½ NE ¼ Sec. 32, W ½ SW ¼ SW ¼, SE ¼ SW ¼ SW ¼, S ¾ NW ¼ NW ¼, S ½ NW ¼, SW ¼ NE ¼ Sec. 33.T3N. R8E. Green County. Wisconsin.Climate:The average summer temperature is 20.8°C (69.5°F) for the management area. The average summer temperature range is 14.6–27.1°C (58.3–80.8°F) (Green County 2014). The average winter temperature is 21.3 (-5.9°C) for the property. The average winter temperature range is -1 to -10.9 °C (12.3 to 30.2 °F). Annual precipitation is 91.9 cm (36.2 in). The average snowfall is 36.8 (93.5 ...... middle of paper ...... g Birds of Wisconsin. (N.J.Cutright, B.R. Harriman, and R.W. Howe, eds.) The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology , Inc. 602ppScobie, D. 2002. Status of the American badger (Taxidea taxus) in Alberta. Alberta WildlifeStatus Report No. 43. 1-9.Thomas L. 2014. 15 Tips for Planting Deer Orchards ].. Accessed 24 April 2014. Undersander, D., Temple, S., Bartlet, J., Sample, D. and Paine, L. 2000. Grassland birds: promoting habitat using rotational UW Extension A3715:1 -12. Undersander, D., Albert, B., Cosgrove, D., Johnson, D. and P. Peterson 2002. Pastures for Profit: A Guide to UW Extension A3529: 1-38.Weir, R.D. and P.L. Almuedo. 2010. Decision aid for badger wildlife habitat. 10:9-13.