Topic > The link between the teacher-student relationship and…

The teacher-student relationship has been linked to academic performance throughout a student's elementary and secondary years of education. This relationship is characterized by the “presence of closeness, warmth, and positivity” (Baker et al., 2008; O'Connor, Dearing, & Collins, 2011; Silver, Measelle, Armstron, & Essex, 2005). When a teacher exhibits these characteristics, it allows students to feel safe and secure in their learning environments, which in turn allows the student to achieve high academic achievement. The following literature review will consider ten examples that will show strong support for this hypothesis. Results In the article: Academic Performance, Course Completion Rates, and Student Perceptions of the Quality and Frequency of Interaction in a Virtual High School, researchers surveyed 2,269 virtual high school students and their teachers and examined the relationship between student and teacher. It also examined whether interaction and academic performance were linked. The program is set up so that the student works at their own pace. The quality and frequency of interaction had a profound impact on student completion of the course. A huge limitation of this study was the fact that the survey was administered at the end of the course for students enrolled from February 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009. Not all students had completed the course, although the results showed that not there was a correlation between interaction and academic success, it does not include all enrolled students. Effects of Teacher-Student Relationships This article discussed the association between positive teacher-student relationships and academic achievement. “Positive teacher-student relationships are classified as having... middle of paper...... ine L., and Oort, Frans J. The influence of affective teacher-student relationships on academic engagement and performance of students: A meta-analytic approach. Educational Research Review December 2011, Vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 493–529 2011 AERA. E, Belmont M. Classroom motivation: Reciprocal effects of teacher behavior and student engagement across the school year. Journal of Educational Psychology 1993;85:571–581. Suldo, Shannon M., McMahan, Melanie M., Chappel, Ashley M., and Bateman, Lisa P. Evaluation of the Teacher-Student Relationship Inventory in American High School Students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2014 32:3 originally published online May 6, 2013 Wehlage, G., Rutter, R., Smith, F., Lesko, N., & Fernandez, R. (1989). Reducing risk: Schools as communities of support. New York, NY: Falmer Press. P. 122