Obstacles in life should not be determined by whether they are good or malicious towards someone's lifestyle. However, life somehow drags a person down a path that may present obstacles that perhaps should be transformed into greater opportunities. Even though the actor might have tried his best to explain that he can't move that chair, but the producer told him that whatever the genre of the film; try to follow the criteria. Everything that is done cannot be done with regret, because there is a benevolent side to it. Furthermore, obstacles interfere in some situations, but transform them into greater possibilities. Furthermore, obstacles in life may be disadvantages in most cases, but they might appeal to the opposite view when an individual deals with them intelligently. Accordingly, this article argues that obstacles in life should not be driven, whether they are harmful or benign. Sometimes obstacles cannot be transformed into something good, but it depends on the person's ideal to improve it. However, the obstacles include problems or they could be worse, but everything is fine. Furthermore, this paper tries to do so ...