In your article you state that the death penalty “exists because it is an appropriate punishment for certain crimes, it is justified”. What he means by this is that we cannot let these kinds of people continue to live, so the death penalty must be used. This article is really good because it talks about how her husband was murdered and that his murder didn't just affect him, but "crushed her into a million jagged pieces." No one usually considers what the victim's family is like and how this affects them. Some may say that the death penalty should not be used and this is what they may say. They think we should eliminate the death penalty altogether, because they say it costs a lot more to execute a person than to keep them in prison for their whole life. If we gave them life without parole, we would save money and not have to put someone to death. The cost of reinstating the death penalty in 1978 was $4 billion. It may have been expensive to bring him back, but nowadays everything costs a lot and the death penalty is worth it, so we can take the killers to prison.