62). The change of perspective is necessary in contexts where a literal translation seems non-idiomatic or awkward in the TL despite having a grammatically correct expression. Modulation is divided into two types: Free or Optional Modulation and Fixed or Mandatory Modulation. Free or optional modulation is used to emphasize the meaning or to discover the natural form in the TL. It is also about the 'negative opposite', which is a procedure that transforms the value of the TS in translation from negative to positive or vice versa. For example, “It is not good” is translated as “it is bad”. Meanwhile, fixed or obligatory modulation occurs when a word, phrase, or structure cannot be found in the TL. This can be done by translating an active sentence into a passive sentence (Vinay and Darbelnet, 2000, p.146). Equivalence According to Walinski (2015, p. 62), equivalence is one of the translation procedures often used in the translation process, especially in the case of structural and meaning uses in which totally different stylistic and structural methods are used. from the source text provided that the purpose of the communication is identical. According to Bell in Siregar (2008, p.61), this method was often used to translate idioms and even proverbs. For example: totally identical in English means seperti pinang dibelah dua in Indonesian.