Topic > Unequal distribution of property and factions - 1079

To explain the link between unequal distribution of property and factions, Madison first clarifies the origin of the unequal distribution of property. It states that people are born with different talents, aptitudes and physical/mental powers. These intrinsic qualities which he calls faculties are rewarded by society. According to Madison: “From the protection of different and unequal powers of acquiring property immediately follow the degrees and kinds of possession of property. (Page 64)” Society rewards some faculties and neglects others, based on people's needs and cultural norms. This fact means that people born with a convincing aptitude will be rewarded with more possessions than others. When a society is liberal, the government's goal is to protect the rights and property of the individual. Since individuals will always have different faculties, diversity in men's faculties will always lead to an unequal distribution of property. Madison then explains the reasons why unequal distribution of property leads to factions. In liberal society, people can freely exercise their faculties and experience life. Since people make decisions based on reasoning and self-interest, they will focus on what is beneficial to them. When a group of people come together because they have the same interest, they become a faction. According to Madison's writing "By faction, I mean a number of citizens, whether constituting a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and moved by some common impulse of passion or interest... (Page 63)" He believes the unequal distribution of property will divide people into different groups and eventually drive citizens into factions. Furthermore, since the faction is made up of people who hold sim... half the card... it splits congress into the House and Senate. This provides additional internal controls over the legislative branch. Similarly, in the political science lecture of the March issue's Introduction to Political Thought and Theory, Professor Al Schendan explains these structures as necessary for freedom. Because true freedom is only the exit instead of nothing. In conclusion, Madison thinks that human nature is ambitious and the fixed result of human ambitions is that people create factions to advance their own interests. In the case of preventing corruption or factional evil, he believes that majority and pure democracy are not a solution. The method he advocates is a large republic with a system of controls. It converts human ambition to provide internal checks and balances in government. His views spurred passage of the proposed Constitution of the United States.