Topic > Neglect Trauma Essay - 734

In 2008, according to the U.S. Department of Human Services, of all maltreatment cases, “71.1% of these were cases of neglect” (Kazemaian, 2011). Many researchers (Mersky and Reynolds, Dierkhising, Kerig, Buffington, Ford, Topitzes and Ryan, Widom and Maxfield) have studied in depth the topic of abandonment trauma and juvenile delinquency and have all established that, although there is no evidence that the neglect can cause delinquency, there is a strong relationship between the two and they found that neglect can play a vital role in subsequent crimes. Other researchers (Cohen, Smailes, and Brown), on the other hand, have found little to no correlation between the trauma of neglect and subsequent delinquency. While the last remaining research (Stewart, Hoeve, Tyler, Bright, Widom, Williams, Unnever) have taken another point of view, in order to explain the child's delinquent behavior such as, the moment of abandonment, the duration of abandonment, gender, and parent-child