Topic > The Difference Between Christianity and Christianity

(Luke 9:1-2, King James Version) The disciples omitted many accounts of Jesus' personal struggles because they focused on the resurrection and the promise of Jesus' immediate return. Jesus did not leave any personal writings and discouraged his followers from writing about him because he feared that the works he left behind would be destined for the worship of idols (for this reason Paul's letters were subsequently written in front of all of Jesus' disciples) . One obvious difference between Christianity and the religion of Jesus is that Jesus had a higher opinion of humanity than Paul or other theologians of his time. Jesus viewed righteousness and purity as something within human capabilities (Matthew 25:31). Jesus did not think supernatural power was necessary to do what was right. “You must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) Jesus worked tirelessly to teach mankind the love of God instead of the fear of God which was not compatible with the true nature of God (book of Luke). Jesus was against the concept of atonement to appease an angry God. Atonement is the belief in the sacrifice of an innocent life as reparation