The flyers advertise the phone number and website if you need more information. These meetings can be attended by students or staff, the only limitation that may prevent you from attending a meeting is if the meeting is a “closed” meeting. A “closed” meeting is reserved for members of Alcoholics Anonymous who have problems with alcohol and wish to stop drinking (Alcoholics Anonymous, 1952). There are no limitations on who can attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, even if you are not a drinker you can still attend. Furthermore, there are no commissions for participating in the meetings. Most of these meetings are funded by donations served by AA groups and literature sales (Frequently Asked Questions, n.d.). If anyone who is not a member of the meetings tries to help with funds, their funds will be returned (Alcoholics Anonymous Facts, 1956). By participating in the meetings, a "passing of the hat" is expected. “Passing the hat” means helping pay for expenses like rent, coffee and