The “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang is a short science fiction story that explores the principles of linguistic relativity through an interesting relationship between aliens and humans that develops when aliens, known as Heptapods, appear on Earth. In the story Dr. Louise Banks, a linguist hired by the government to learn the Heptapod language, tells her unborn daughter what she has learned from the Heptapods as a result of learning their language. M. NourbeSe Philip's poem “Discourse on the Logic of Language” also explores the theme of language and translations, as he refers to several languages as his “mother tongue” or “father tongue”. While these two literary pieces may not seem to have much in common, they both explore topics of language and translation and connect those ideas to power and control. In “Story of Your Life” Chiang connects language and power through his character, Colonel Weber. Chiang creates the character of Weber to symbolize the government's suspicious and wary views of the heptapods' arrival on Earth. This suspicion is seen by the governor...