(Steinberg, 2013). Furthermore, severe depression is not only characterized by emotional symptoms, but also by cognitive symptoms, motivational symptoms, and physical symptoms, and tends to cause significant distress or impairment in the areas of social relationships, academic success, or other areas important to well-being and general health. of the individual (Furi & Guimont, 2003). If symptoms of depression are persistent, the individual experiencing them may be at greatly increased risk of suicide. Unfortunately, many of these teenagers go unnoticed. It is estimated that at least eight in ten adolescents suffering from severe depression and suicidal thoughts attempt to access support from family, friends or other support groups before committing an act of suicide, only to have their pleas for help ignored or undermined ( Furi & Guimont, 2003). Unfortunately, many of the early warning signs of depression and suicidal ideation can often be misinterpreted as nothing more than typical teenage angst, thus denying many at-risk youth the support they so desperately need.