Most people feel a responsibility to protect the earth they live on. Everyone realizes that the earth is changing. Some people believe this is an urgent problem, while others believe it is a cycle of life. Who is right? Is biodiversity decreasing due to humans or is there nothing wrong with our planet? Biodiversity, the set of ecosystems, is slowly being destroyed by the human race; Is it possible to solve this problem while humans maintain their lifestyle? Biodiversity is the biological diversity of life on earth. This includes various ecosystems such as forests, as well as the diversity of species of plants, animals and microorganisms and the multiplicity of genes in these species (Shah). All species have an important function to increase the success of their ecosystem. For example, the more varieties of plants there are on the planet, the more food there is to provide to animals. The more food there is, the fewer animals will have to fight for it, and thus the more animals will live together in harmony. Plants are the basis of every ecosystem. However, plants help their ecosystems in many other ways beyond providing food for animals. Many of them are used for medicinal purposes, such as some varieties of mint. The leaves are crushed and the flavoring is used to relieve headaches (Importance of plants). Plants help provide protective cover, not only for humans but for other creatures as well. With a little work, birds can transform a tree into a comfortable home. Likewise, plants protect the soil from strong wind and water erosion. However, plants also have another purpose: to clean and purify the air. In addition to producing food, medicine, shelter, a clean environment and many other purposes such as producing clothes... middle of paper... we are facing global warming. For the most part, humans are causing the loss of biodiversity in the environment. It all started with deforestation, but over the decades it has progressively gotten worse. Instead of putting things back into our environment that are good for our ecosystems, like planting gardens and diversifying our ecosystems, we are slowly replacing all these things with concrete and buildings. More and more cities are built while others expand, destroying what remains of ecosystems. As if this were not enough, humans also pollute the environment. They do this by releasing emissions while driving their cars and in the many factories that also discharge harmful toxins. All of this can be prevented, or at least prevented from progressing. The United Nations got off to a great start with the Kyoto Protocol and the more recent Copenhagen Accord.