Topic > Isolation: The Unintended Consequences of Homeschooling

Crushed metal and darkness. Crushed metal, still lights and darkness. The beautiful couple in the front seat were hunched over and still, their screams stolen. Two vehicles had merged into one dangerous mass of destruction. Bodies ran around the scene, screaming with their arms outstretched frantically. The world was made up of dull vibrations and only a buzz remained in the girl's ears. Within a couple of hours, she was alone in an office with too many people in suits talking to each other. I shook my head, ashamed that I had invaded my friends' tragedies with the memories I had conjured from their descriptions. I was still staring at Alice's relaxed posture. The frown on her face was evident even as she rested unconscious with wrinkles near her seventeen-year-old eyes. I could still see the scar from the stitches. Vesper moved under the covers on Alice's couch. He was missing a father while Sebastian and I were missing a mother. But Alice missed the two people who had given her life and who had passed away while she was living it. A trust fund was left in theirs