Nigerians work with this principle from the biblical scriptures which says: “to train a child in the way he should go, and that when he grows old he will not deviate from it” ”. I get advice from my parents on the kind of company I keep both at school and at home. They are determined to judge my friends by the way they dress, talk and whether they are deemed to be respectful. There is an ethnic group in Nigeria called EDOS. My parents made me believe that they have these kinds of witchcraft powers, which they use to do whatever evil they seek. This made me retreat from having their kind as friends. Racism is also practiced in schools. Students admitted to universities, after passing the entrance exams, have their acceptance letter revoked due to cultural identity and favoritism. Most classes give passes to students who are from the same ethnic groups as them or to those who pay tips for admission. The kind of advice I would listen to at my stage in life is the kind that will benefit me and my educational career, and not the kind that will turn me into a racist. Even though I'm still growing, I'm old enough to make decisions on my own. The advice my parents offered is essential, but it isn't all of it. The kind of advice I would seek is what is needed whenever I find myself in some sort of state where I need the help of someone who could be helpful, after trying all the measures I have