Topic > What is family life - 1305

Although it is obvious that not all members of some families agree or accept these changes due to acquired beliefs, one should know that "gender roles and Family values ​​during the modern industrial era have changed dramatically" (Yamin). Instead of taking into account that life will continue to change, they constantly repeat that regardless of the benefits, they will never be accepted by them, usually forgetting the consequences of this. For example, many were raised to believe that biracial couples were a disgrace to the man, or against the law, and those involved in same-sex relationships will immediately go down. Now that these are more common in the United States, they still have difficulty accepting them. The children of these parents often go against their beliefs and end up adding to the statistics of teenage pregnancies, delinquency and much worse. Many should take note of the words that Crary states when it comes to these people who choose not to appreciate these changes because he makes it simple and relevant. He states: “We see a blurring of the old lines, and this must be a good thing because the lines were artificial in the first place”