Topic > Why should immigration increase in the United States? - 838

In general, immigrants not only start a business, but also share their more advanced knowledge and experience. In conclusion, immigration should increase to provide stability and leadership to the American economy. Immigrants bring a significant positive gain to the U.S. economy. Immigrants should be allowed entry into the United States because they contribute their knowledge and experience. The work cites “Benefits of Immigration.” Np, November 18, 2009. Web. November 30, 2015. "Immigration and the Economy." The White House. The White House, December 18, 2012. Web. November 30, 2015. immigrationhttp://rationalwiki .org/wiki/Myths_and_facts .t_immigration_to_the_United_Stateshttp: //webcache.googleuserconthBobei. “Advantages of Immigration.” Benefits of Immigration. Published electronically, November 18, 2009. Web. November 20. 2015. .