On Christmas Eve the shop closes at noon for the customer and the employees/employer participate in a sort of Christmas party, outside of working hours but on company property. Christmas, some might say, is a different story. What follows is not: Jeff, co-owner of JMS, regularly brought a six-pack of beer on his way home from cities. Jeff would take beer to the break room and 9 times out of 10 would leave the room with an open beer in his hand heading to his office during business hours. Most of the time the six pack was gone before Jeff got home at the end of the day. On another occasion I was offered alcohol by Tucker. I told him no, I didn't want to upset Mike. His response was that I'll take it, and if Mike had anything to say about it Tucker would take care of it (I did not consume alcohol on this occasion). On another occasion, Mike himself was consuming a beer during business hours on company property and passed a half-full can to customer Laura Rojina while her car was being checked by another employee. All of these examples occurred before my accident. Company owners and other employees are allowed to break the rules when they see fit, but for me that's a reason