Explain the role and responsibilities of teaching in education and training, including how this relates to the teaching/training cycle. Teachers in the lifelong learning sector mainly take on the role of lecturer, trainer or assessor, but various responsibilities may be assigned. The primary role of any teacher is to ensure that all students have equal and fair access to learning resources and a safe and supportive learning environment. It is the teacher's responsibility to evaluate and identify various learning styles and design the curriculum to meet the needs of individual students. They must be aware of guidelines and methodologies, be responsible for providing sufficient and constructive feedback, assume the role of internal or external verifier, and actively manage learning resources to ensure the quality of the learning experience for all students. cycle, the main responsibilities of an ICT and employability skills tutor are to assess and identify students' needs and plan sessions accordingly, taking into account their age, previous experience, learning styles and any barriers they may have (e.g. language barrier, special educational needs, disability). The offering itself must be relevant and the learning resources must be tailored to a student's individual needs; these would include a fair amount of demonstrations and hands-on activities, such as how to use a mouse and keyboard, online job searching, or analyzing application forms. The tutor will then be responsible for evaluating the students' work. Regarding ICT or employability skills, the assessment is formative and in most cases informal, but is designed to give the tutor an idea of how well the students have understood the topic and what help, if any, they need be offered to improve.... .. middle of paper...... Protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Information Act 2000, and students have the right to see the information an organization holds about them. Keeping complete and accurate records is essential for several reasons which I briefly touched on in answering question 6. Furthermore, record keeping must comply with Office of Standards in Education (Ofsted) guidelines and provide the information required by education institutions superior and employers. These may be records of results, dates and grades, assessment sheets showing the student's progress throughout the course, diagnostic or initial assessment results, observation checklists and learning style results. Additionally, you should keep records such as action plans, assignment receipts, tutorial reviews, unit statements, and testimonials in case a student appeals a grading decision.