Of these individual experiences, physical contact with the person or people, seeing the joy in their eyes, and their reaction to feeling loved and wanted were the most rewarding. It confirmed to me that my service was a reflection of God's love as that same love was reflected back to me, in their eyes. This was overcome a few years later when I had the privilege of working with Pastor Dayaratne at Agape Children's Villege; an orphanage he had founded in southern Sri-Lanka. God's love was evident throughout the orphanage, from the enormous sacrifices made by Sal. Daya and family to the love shown by all the volunteers towards orphaned children. The result was an upbeat dynamic of surprisingly well-adjusted orphans with horrible pasts that I never expected to see, nor have I seen in an orphanage since. The selfless work that went into transforming the orphanage into a family environment, with our Father's love reflected in the service to those children, was incredible. The tangible presence of God's hand at work was evident throughout the orphanage and confirmed to me that service, for the glory of God, brings us ever closer to