Seating layout, which includes the location of the student's seat, has been studied from a variety of perspectives. One area of emphasis is seat location and how the student's seat location affects the student's participation within the classroom and their academic performance. According to a study conducted by Bicard and his colleagues (2012), student seating is one of the simplest and most economical classroom management strategies available to teachers to maximize performance and learning behavior. Therefore, we attach great importance to the effects of seating arrangements on students' academic performance and classroom participation. Wannarka and Ruhl (2008) noted that there were many factors that were out of the teacher's control, giving seating arrangements greater importance since teachers can manipulate that aspect of the classroom to achieve maximum academic performance and behavioral. There has been limited research on the effects of classroom seating and location on student participation and achievement. Therefore, for teachers to maximize learning performance and student behavior within the classroom, the relationship between seating arrangements and student performance needs to be further explored.