My church had extended worship to a particular service, the Holy Spirit was so tangible in the room that we were all on our knees in complete abandonment to God. There was a such a change in the atmosphere of our church into a complete abandonment to God and in my hearing when I began to lay on the cross the things that I held so dear, because I desired and desire only Jesus. Reflection on original ideasNow I have the full understanding that the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit am in a perfect balance of love, that worship through honor is an invitation for me to be part of it. Worship is our way of showing God how much we love Him, but more than that it is our acceptance of being immersed in that love of the Holy Trinity. I thought it was more about praising God, while that is the case, it is even more about a gateway for the Father to love his children. Encourage the practice of this