Multimedia is a media that puts into practice a union of unusual substantial forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple forms of content) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple forms of substance. The term is used in contrast to media that use only traditional forms of printed or hand-produced text and fixed graphics, for example Digital Storytelling. Digital Storytelling applies to using new digital tools to help ordinary people tell their real-life stories. Digital Storytelling is narrative entertainment that signals the interactivity of the Web, DVDs, and so on. The elements of Digital Storytelling are media, action, relationship, context, communication, but some think that Digital Storytelling is non-linear storytelling. Elements of Digital Storytelling. MediaFormation has three modes,*Multiple Media: Two or more types of media are used, but as a single separate piece of the story package; they are not intertwined,*Multimedia: two or more types of media intertwined together without any seam. Type: Media formats used to tell a story, photo, graphics, motion graphics, animation, video, text, audio. Properties:* Registered: The registered substance is late compared to when it was captured; is not simultaneous.*Live: Live content is delivered without delay; it is synchronous. Time/Space*Real Time: The real-time substance is shown completely; has not been extracted or rearranged.*Modified: The modified substance has been processed in some way by the content developer. Action: Digital stories have action in two regions:1) Act of moving of or within the content,2) Act of movement requested by the user to access the substance. Legacy media can... half of the paper... ff., 1998.*Seymour Paper, The Children's Machine: Rethinking Schooling in the Computer Age, Basic Books, Inc., New York, NY , 1993*Seymour Papert, Mindstorms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas, Basic Books, Inc., New York, NY, 1980*Center for Digital Storytelling website,*The Intel Computer Clubhouse Website of the network,*Schön, D. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York: Basic Books, 1983.*Shaw, A. Social Constructionism and the Inner City. In Y. Kafai and M. Resnick (eds.), Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. P. 175--206, 1996.*To view various digital stories online, visit