Topic > BLEH - 714

Your big test is tomorrow. However, instead of cramming that last piece of information into your head, you are doing everything humanly possible to keep that textbook closed. You understand that you should work; you just physically can't get started. You waste your time instead of studying. When you don't have enough time left, you go into hysterics and stay up until 3 in the morning to finish that last bit of revision that you could have finished ages ago. We are all familiar with the act of procrastination. We've all experienced procrastination and we all know that the outcome is never good. Don't let procrastination rule your life. Simply eliminate distractions from your workplace, break your work into smaller steps and motivate yourself to do the real work and you will remove procrastination from your life with great success. One of the best things you can do to stop procrastinating is to remove any and all distractions from your workspace. With all the electronics we own, it's no wonder we can't get any work done. Turn off your computer, phone and any other electronic devices that may distract you from work. Remember to keep them away from you while you work; the temptation to use them could distract you further. If you must use your computer to complete your work, be sure to keep all entertainment sites closed. This includes Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, etc. If you unconsciously open sites and start wasting time, try the "Rescue Time" app for your browser. This application blocks websites for a certain period of time, ensuring that you cannot access those websites until the time runs out and your work is done. By using this application… middle of paper… to finish your project, you will think about all the wonderful things that finishing your project early will do for you. The most important thing you can do is control yourself so that you don't get distracted and convince yourself that you have to do the work. You have to tell yourself that you absolutely have to finish this project. You have to stop yourself from procrastinating. You have to motivate yourself to complete the work. You have to take the first step. If you remove distractions from your workplace, break your work into smaller steps, and motivate yourself to do the actual work, you will definitely get rid of the horrible habit of procrastination. Keep up with these techniques and discover new ones to ensure you never procrastinate again. Here's your challenge: Get started on that project and don't procrastinate!