How to accommodate students who have different learning styles? I just find out what individual students' needs are and then base my lesson plans on that. I really try to personalize each lesson and have the student work on it until they reach the desired level. If it's something that's beyond my ability to address in the classroom, then I would turn to external resources, either from the school or external resources. 4. What is your most common form of communication with parents? First there is face-to-face communication. I really feel that personal face-to-face interaction with parents, especially in the beginning, is crucial; just being able to develop that rapport and that relationship with the parent. Then, once this is established, I use other methods including notes at home, phone calls or emails. 5. How do you intervene when your students misbehave? I walk up to them and get on their level and say “can you tell me or explain to me what you are doing right now” and then I let them answer the question. After an explanation I will help direct and model for them the correct way to handle certain problems