In simplistic terms, migration can be defined as the movement of large groups of people from one place to another; but there are many different criteria that can be applied to define a migrant, such as country of birth, citizenship and movement between places, and often using just one of these categories does not always provide sufficient information to make the classification , therefore these criteria are often used in combination to define a person, or a group of people, as migrants. (Parvita R, and Umut E, 2015. P 136) Because migration can be classified and defined in such a range of different ways, it is important to note that for the purposes of this essay, the term will be used to describe both individuals and groups of people who have moved from one place to another for a long period. Taking into account personal accounts provided by international migrant groups and historical case studies presented through a combination of qualitative and quantitative evidence, this essay will explore the ways in which disconnections resulting from migration can lead to new connections. The term migration also refers to those who move from one place to another within the same country. For example, in 19th century Britain there was a mass movement of