Topic > But if my machine lifts 300 pounds, since it was only designed for 100 pounds, how much faster will that machine break? It is also in our nature not to desire obesity, we are genetically designed just like the rest of nature to desire a fit and healthy society. This is the root cause of social aversion to obesity as well as personal aversion to obesity. Which brings us to the heart of how childhood obesity has become such a huge problem today. To truly understand the impact of obesity and why we should prevent it, we must first examine the causes of obesity and what keeps people obese. The logical first step to consider is childhood obesity, even if children are simply at the center of the blame card. In conclusion, although childhood obesity is alarming, it is preventable and treatable.Works Cited1."Parents and children do not perceive obesity as a health problem." Journal of the American Dietetic Association no. page Network. 20 February 2015. .2.Np, nd Web. 20 February 2015. .3.Np, nd Web. 20 February 2015. .4. Rabin, Robin. “Childhood obesity risks dying at an early age, study finds.” (2012): n. page Network. 20 February 2015. .5. Levine, Susan and Rob Stein. "Obesity threatens a generation." “Catastrophe” of Shorter Times and Higher Healthcare Costs (2013): n. page Network. February 20, 2015.6. Maine, M. (2012). Body wars. Carlsbad: Gurze Books